Cookie Rules

Effective date: 24.05.2022

We use cookies and similar technologies on our website to improve the performance and efficiency of the site.

By continuing to use this Site, you are giving us your consent to use cookies in the ways set out in this document.

In this section you can find information about what cookies we store when you visit our website at (hereinafter Site), and how to disable or clear cookies. The Site is owned and operated by Ray Gmbh LLP (WE). For more detailed information about the operation of the Site, please follow these links: Consent to processing of personal data, Policy on personal data processing and information on implemented requirements to personal data protection.

What is a cookie?"

A cookie is a small file that we store in your browser or on the hard drive of your computer, tablet or mobile device. A cookie allows our site to recognize you as a user the next time you visit our site from the same computer and browser, either during a single visit ('session cookie') or on repeat visits ('persistent cookie'). All other cookies function in a similar way, and in this section we use the word 'cookie' to refer to all such cookies.

Cookies are a widely used technology for collecting information about website visitors. The vast majority of websites use cookies for a variety of purposes. We use files for the following purposes:

  • Necessary cookies:: are cookies required by our Site, such as cookies that allow you to register in secure areas of our Site or use online payment services.
  • Analytical cookies: they allow us to recognize and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around on our Site. This helps us to improve the Site, for example, so that users can easily find what they are looking for.
  • Functional cookies: they are used to recognize you when you return to our site. This allows us to personalize the content of the site for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences (e.g. language or region selection), as well as apply data from other sites, e.g. maps, social media.
  • Advertising cookies: These cookies record your visit to our site, as well as the pages you visited and the links you opened. We use this information to provide you with advertising and content that we think may be of interest to you. We may share this information with third parties for these purposes.

This Cookie Policy provides you with information on the specialized cookies we use on this Site.

How do I manage or delete cookies?


When you accessed our Site, you were notified that we use cookies. We had to use a cookie to notify you (more about this cookie below, under the Cookie Banner). If you continue to use the Site, additional cookies and other tracking technologies will be installed on your computer, as described in this Cookie Policy section, to make your experience of the Site more convenient. By continuing to use our Site and/or accepting our Terms and Conditions, you consent to the use of such cookies and tracking technologies.

We do not use cookies to collect your personal identification data. However, if you wish to limit or block the use of cookies set on this Site (or another site), you can do so in your browser settings. Please refer to the Help section of your browser to find out how to do this. If you are primarily concerned about cookies from other sites, you can disable them на сайте.

You can also visit сайт which contains detailed information on how to disable cookies in different browsers. There you can explore in detail how to disable cookies on your computer and general information about cookie technology. Please note that these sites are not operated or owned by us, so we are not responsible for any information contained on them.

Please be aware that if you block all cookies, some parts of our site may no longer function properly or you may not be able to access our site at all.

Cookies we use

Below is a list of the cookies we use on our Site and what they are used for.

  • BX_USER_ID | Contains ID, allows you to store information about your activities on the site | Persistent cookies 1 year | Required cookies
  • BITRIX_SM_TIME_ZONE | Contains information about the time zone of your browser | Persistent cookies 1 year | Required cookies
  • PHPSESSID | Contains information about your browser session | Session cookies | Necessary cookies
  • cookie_info | Stores information about your acceptance of the cookie policy | Persistent cookies 1 year | Required cookies

Third Party Cookie

We work with other providers and partner sites that may set their cookies on this Site. We do not control their cookies in any way. In the table below, we list the cookies set by third-party sites. However, you should read the Privacy Policies of these sites by clicking on the links provided in the table for details of the cookies they use.

Third party cookies that function on this Site include:

  • Analytical cookies. We use cookies that allow us to collect information to analyze web traffic on our site. The data collected by cookies are completely anonymous. They may be shared with third parties to analyze the data, which subsequently allows us to improve the performance of our Site.
  • Embedded third-party content. Some of the content on our Site is provided by other online services (third-party sites). When you visit a page containing such content, you may be set a third-party cookie.
  • Advertising cookies. We work with other providers and partner sites that set their cookies on our Site to show you relevant advertising messages. Please see the list of third party cookies in the table below. If you would like to learn more about the cookies used by our partners or to access services that will allow you to disable third-party cookies, please go to or click on the AdChoices logo that you will see in the corner of the advertising message intended for you, according to the cookie data.

The following is a list of third party cookies that function on this Site:

  • _ym_d | Contains the date of the visitor's first visit | Persistent cookies 1 day | Analytical/Advertising cookies. Users can prevent cookies from collecting and processing information about their visit by referring to the Yandex documentation.
  • _ym_isad | Determines whether the user has an ad blocker enabled or not | Persistent cookies 1 day | Analytical/Advertising cookies. Users can prevent cookies from collecting and processing information about their visit by referring to Yandex documentation..
  • _ym_uid | Contains Yandex.Metrics ClientID | Persistent cookies 1 day | Analytical/Advertising cookies. Users can prevent cookies from collecting and processing information about their visit by referring to Yandex documentation.
  • _ym_visorc_ | Contains Webvisor ID | Persistent cookies 1 day | Analytical/Advertising cookies. Users can prevent cookies from collecting and processing information about their visit by referring to Yandex documentation..

Tracking e-mail newsletters

Some of the emails we send you may contain elements, such as beacon pixels or tracking links, that allow us to determine when you opened the email and to identify which links from the email you clicked on. We use this information to determine which elements of our email newsletter interest you most.

You can remove the pixel by deleting the email. If you don't want to download the pixel to your computer or other device, you can choose to receive the newsletter in plain text format instead of HTML format. You can also unsubscribe from our email newsletter by contacting us at



We may change our cookie policy at any time by notifying you of the changes by posting them on our Site. Any changes will take effect within 3 days of the updated document appearing on the Site. If you continue to use the Site after changes have been made, this automatically confirms your acceptance of the new terms.

How to contact us

Phone: +7 (7232) 208-727
